A few key points from Mark Manson’s Everything are F*cked: A Book About Hope
Don’t hope — Don’t despair either. Don’t hope for the better. Just be better. words cuts like swords and writers like Mark Manson don’t like to sugarcoat the words, he…
Professional Educational Blogging Platform
Don’t hope — Don’t despair either. Don’t hope for the better. Just be better. words cuts like swords and writers like Mark Manson don’t like to sugarcoat the words, he…
“It is the ultimate luxury to combine passion and contribution. It’s also a very clear path to happiness.” — SHERYL SANDBERG Some people only think of their possible paths, and…
‘Personal finance is 20% head knowledge and 80% behavior’. We want more and more of it when it comes to Money and Power. To support yourself and your family one…
Give us the luxuries of life, and we will dispense with its necessities. — John Lothrop Motley Everyone dreams of a luxurious life but not everyone can afford it. Now!…
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